Price : 29,12 euros instead of 36,40 euros. At Arganane, we have decided to offer you a magnificent kit containing the most popular products in the store in order to achieve a perfect exfoliation.
-20% compared to the unit price !
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Our scrub kit is made up of the most popular products from Morocco!
You will find :
To perform a good exfoliation, you have to take your time. Prefer Sunday for example. Anyway it is not useful to do it more than once a week.
First, you have to heat the bathroom well, immerse your body in very hot water (but not hot!) so that the skin is well hydrated for a few long minutes.
Then coat with black soap, preferably avoiding the face. Leave on for 5 minutes then rinse with warm water: the skin is then ready for exfoliation.
Then rub the body firmly with the Kessa (scrub glove). Dead skin sloughs off along with various dirt and other toxins, much like an eraser you would rub on paper.
Rinse with lukewarm water (not hot this time to avoid marking).
The scrub is finished. But not the toilet!
Indeed black soap is not really made for washing and it would be a shame to stop there because the pleasure begins now.
The most pleasant moment is to wash the gummed body with a natural soap without perfume if possible, for example the argan soap La Vallée de rose.
And to finish, coat the body with 100% virgin Bio Organic Argan Oil. Very moisturizing and anti-wrinkle, this dry oil is very penetrating. For your face, use Arganat argan oil cream.