The black cumin oil is extracted from the tiny black seeds of Ranunculaceae white flowers, Nigella sativa, which grows in the shade of the oases.
The black cumin oil is a natural remedy that was already used in the medicine of the Pharaohs. Indeed, a bottle of this oil was discovered in the tomb of Tutankhamun which was undoubtedly soften the suffering in the afterlife. Black cumin oil would also exerted its beneficial properties on Cleopatra and Nefertiti! It is also known in classical Arabic medicine, mentioned in the Bible, and also known in the traditional Ayurvedic medicine of India under the name of oil Kalinji (hot energy). It is currently used in folk medicine in East and India. The black cumin oil (Nigella sativa) is back in fashion after promising studies in the USA and Germany.
PROPERTIES: Black cumin oil contains many unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic and gamma linoleic acids, and vitamins and minerals. The black cumin oil inhibits the oxidation of cell membranes by an anti-free radicals effect (anti-aging) and inhibits the formation of inflammatory molecules. It is therefore perfectly beneficial for the skin, particularly to reduce the inflammatory phenomena caused by stress, pollution, disease or aging. It contains many active ingredients that make it a remedy against many ailments : precious trace elements ; minerals such as calcium, iron, phosphorus ; essential fatty acids ; carotene whose virtues are antioxidant and increase mental performance; from carvone which is a strong detoxifying liver, antispasmodic, analgesic, and an antifungal agent.
Black cumin oil is used as well as internal medicine and external use.
In cosmetics, black cumin oil is exploited for its properties: calming, regenerating, revitalizing, anti-inflammatory, anti-wrinkle. The black cumin oil is particularly suitable for dry sensitive or irritated skin and is an excellent remedy in cases of skin infections include: Acne - Dermatitis - Hives - Eczema - Psoriasis - Burns - Cracking - Mushrooms dermal - Warts - sunburn.
Developed through natural ingredients, no added preservatives or dyes, the Aleppo soap preserves your health and respects the environment.
If Syria packed with treasures dating from the Roman, Byzantine and Mamluk, with mosques, churches and castles of the Crusaders, it is now disfigured by a civil war that continues to destroy it. And when our ears echoes the name of Aleppo, one can not help thinking of the soap makers and their famous recipe which allowed them to develop the first ever soap. It was in the seventh century ...
The birth of Aleppo soap results from the discovery of saponification in antiquity. Aleppo soap is also a color that can vary from pale yellow to dark green. Plant, the scent that emerges is tricky. Irregular in shape because even hand cut, soap takes the form of a cube of about 200 g. A buffer representing the master soap maker is hit on one of the main faces of the cube. Halved, soap reveals a beautiful deep green. Contact with air, the cut becomes brown to green once again become scratched.
Olive oil is moisturizing and protects the fat from the skin. As for the bay laurel oil, it is antiseptic and healing. Here is a cocktail of benefits that can be used for daily cleansing, both for the body as the face and hair. The slight scent of cloves and nutmeg that emerges is due to bay laurel. The combination of these beneficial plant oils, added to the original expertise of Aleppo soap makers, make the reputation of this exceptional soap, surgras said, very soothing to some skin conditions.
It is economical because it lasts much longer than any other existing soaps. As low foaming, it is recommended for washing babies, the skin of the latter being flushed quickly.
Moreover, it leaves no trace of perfume. And feeding at will, it makes the skin beautiful.